School starts at 8:30 am each day. The office is open for enrolments.
We believe that intermediate is a unique time where emerging adolescents take the values and understandings they have developed in the early years of their lives, and start to test and apply them in the world. They begin to think critically about a wider range of ideas and issues. They grow in confidence and take on challenges with more responsibility. Basically, they unleash their immense potential at a rapid rate!
We believe successful intermediate schooling caters to this growth by offering 11 to 13 year olds a wide- ranging curriculum while giving them opportunity to specialize in areas of interest or talent. We take seriously our responsibility to ensure our youth are in a place of “readiness” for all that life has to offer them, both in High School and beyond. We pride ourselves in being able to do this with specialist teachers, in specialist spaces, with specialist resources.
In 2020, we are home to a driven Board of Trustees, a visionary leadership team, a dynamic #TeamPI staff, over 200 self-determining learners and over 800 innovative learners who engage in our specialist technology programme. As a leading school in innovation, our curriculum centres on inquiry mindedness, authentic real-life application of learning and the development of 21st century skills, dispositions and competencies. When peer reviewed by lead New Zealand Curriculum author Mary Anne Mills, she asserted that
“this is what the curriculum intended to achieve – you really are doing some cutting edge things here!”
Papakura Pepeha
Ko Tainui te waka
Ko Pukekiwiriki te maunga
Ko Maanukanuka o Hoturoa
te Moana
Ko Te Pahurehure te ara wai
Ko Ngaati Tamaoho te hapuu
Ko Papakura te rohe

Our Values


Our Relationships With Others

Our Environment
Innovative Learning & Leading
We believe that any person can be a leader in life regardless of what you ‘do’ in life and that intermediate schooling is the ideal time to develop leadership capability, motivation and skills in all of our learners – students and adults alike! Here are some recent examples of our learners taking the lead…
Find Us
50 Settlement Road, Papakura, Auckland 2110